How Does AI Present Horse Behaviour Information?

I am very intrigued to see how the increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect information disseminated amongst the equestrian community.

As a quick experiment I asked an AI bot to tell me what it thought about the dangers of misunderstanding horse behaviour, and how that would affect horse welfare and safety. The text below is what was generated. Really interesting and not a bad start!

All the images are also AI generated. I asked for images to represent 'a dangerous horse in a vet situation'. At a glance they look quite realistic, but some of the equipment is very odd and bodies blend into the backgrounds in a way reminiscent of bad photoshopping. The technology will only get better. I'm not sure the horse looks particularly dangerous though...

Text from AI:

"Understanding horse behaviour is crucial for their welfare and for the safety of those who interact with them. Horse owners/handlers/riders have often misunderstood or misinterpreted horse behaviour, leading to situations that may compromise both the well-being of the horse and the safety of everyone involved. Here are a few key points regarding horse behaviour and safety:

• Communication: Horses communicate primarily through body language, and it's essential for humans to understand these signals. Misinterpreting a horse's body language can lead to misunderstandings and potentially dangerous situations.

• Flight Animals: Horses are prey animals, and their natural instinct is to flee from perceived threats. If they feel cornered or threatened, they may also react with fear or aggression, putting both themselves and humans at risk.

• Herd Behaviour: Horses are social animals that live in herds. Understanding their herd dynamics and roles within the group can help humans interact with them more effectively.

• Training Methods: Training methods that rely on punishment, fear, or dominance can harm a horse's well-being and create an unsafe environment. Positive reinforcement techniques are often more effective and humane.

• Individual Variation: Each horse is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's important to recognise and respect the individual differences in temperament and behaviour among horses.

• Proper Handling: Proper handling and care are essential to a horse's well-being. This includes providing appropriate shelter, nutrition, and medical care, as well as ensuring that handling and riding are done safely and with the horse's comfort in mind.

• Education: Educating horse owners, trainers, and riders about equine behaviour and welfare is essential for improving the relationship between humans and horses and reducing the risks associated with equine activities.

In summary, understanding horse behaviour and responding to it appropriately is crucial for the welfare of these animals and the safety of humans who interact with them. Misunderstandings can lead to accidents, injuries, and compromised well-being for both horses and people. Therefore, it's important to approach horses with knowledge, respect, and empathy to build a harmonious and safe relationship."

The bot does say that information may not be correct. I did have to edit out some text about hierarchies and some training methods which was outdated and incorrect. This highlights the importance of getting information from a reputable, professional source. What do you think?